On my own, I could not seem to find people of like mind. I looked here and I looked there. Nobody in sight…
Now I am so happy! I have just recently found a couple of people who I can share the important aspects of my life and they don’t get up and make a run for it. We quickly began to share our insights, our differences and our own way of doing things such as healing methods, calling on Spirit guidance, travel and even cooking. They wanted to discuss the structure of the universe; Spirit interaction with humans; What makes people ill and what makes them vital and healthy. The whole range of life’s activities and more. And we discovered our differences too.
Here is the Key
Instead of becoming angry because we each did not think the same way – we became interested, fascinated and even intrigued with our differences.
Are you looking for good solid friendships?
Decide what you are looking for in friends and friendship. Write it out in clear, concise words. Call out to the universe daily by reading those words and really feeling it as you say it.
One example of your request might be:
“I receive people in my life who are like-minded, communicate with me and will grow into deep, trusted friendships with me now.”