Theresa and Walker welcome Tina Zion, a celebrated medical intuitive and hypnosis expert. Tina shares her personal and professional journey, highlighting her transition from a psychiatric nurse specialist to a trailblazer in the field of energy healing and Western medicine integration.
In this episode of My Inner Knowing, hosts, Theresa Hubbard and William Walker Bird explore Tina Zion’s spiritual journey, particularly her experiences on the Navajo reservation and her studies of past-life regressions under Michael Newton. Tina offers enlightening views on the concepts of “life between lives” and the importance of listening to our inner yearnings and trusting our intuition.
Tina guides us through her mission to unravel the complex relationship between our physical reality and the spiritual energies that connect us all. We explore the intricacies of communicating with energy, engaging with spirits, and the importance of nurturing telepathic talents within each of us.
Moreover, Tina shares her insights on the healing process, personal responsibility, and encounters with divine spiritual mentors. Offering a sneak peek into her upcoming book on mediumship and her online courses to enhance medical intuitive skills, this episode promises a rich blend of heartfelt narratives and actionable wisdom for anyone longing to tap into the spiritual facets of life.
My Inner Knowing. Empowering you to find your compass for the journey we are dedicated to supporting you to ReDiscover and trust your natural ability to navigate life each day by sharing insight and experience through the lens of two professional communicators and their guests we intend to prompt internal inquiry that supports all those willing to explore a unique path.
Well hello here we go good morning Tina. Thank you so much for joining us today.
We’re really excited to have this conversation with you and it was so nice to meet you last month when we got our guess maybe two months ago who time flies, so thank you.
You’re welcome thank you.
Deep Inner Knowing Meaning
So one of the things that we typically start with Tina. As best you are aware on your journey at this point what is your inner knowing feel like for you. How do you know you’re in that level of congruence inside yourself?
Well, you don’t mess around. You just go right in deep there. Well, how do I know that I know?
Basically, how do I know that I know is kind of what you’re saying is, what I realized probably as a child probably. As at least a teenager.
I think is that that we are not separate from everything.
And a lot of times I’ll tell people, you know people are always talking about the veil between us and spirit realm. And the veil.
For years I’ve been running around all over the place looking for that Veil. And I just can’t find it. And then I realized that inner knowing is actually understanding and feeling that inner connectedness that we have with the world, that I’m serious. There isn’t any Veil that I can find, but we create a veil with our thoughts.
So I really realized that my inner knowing feels very very connected with the whole universe.
Deep Inner Knowing Examples
In fact my son, when he was about nine years old, he said the most profound thing. He said, ‘You know Mom, the universe is really big and we are really just a booger in God’s nose. Universe it’s so bad.’
Wow. I’ve never brought that up in an interview, but there it is. So he had an inter putting. Putting it in nine-year-old boy terms, but he had an inner knowing.
I so value observing children whether it’s my own or others because I feel like they have so much to teach us.
So much absolutely, and I always say listen to the children because they come in with, that are knowing. That they’re not separate. And when they begin to get verbal, oh my goodness. Listen. Really listen to what they’re saying.
I have all kinds of examples from grandkids and things like that of the the phenomenal things they say because they haven’t separated, you know, they haven’t acclimated to the Earth plane world, and so they speak about that that inner knowing and that inner connection.
Can you think of any specifics that you’ve heard to share? Those observations of your grandchildren or other children where they’re still connected so closely.
I was taking a nap with my little granddaughter and she must have been about three, I think. And she was very verbal already. I woke up and she was shaking my arm and said, ‘Wake up, wake up.’
I go, ‘Okay I’m awake. I’m awake.
And she said, ‘An angel just came in the door and kiss me right here on my arm.’
Does that bring you to tears or what?
Oh my goodness, and that same granddaughter, oh probably around that time maybe a little older. She was having an argument with her mother, who is my daughter. She was standing there and she was had her little hands on her hips and she says, ‘Don’t you remember when I was the mommy and you were the baby?
Oh wow. I know good amazing.
Listen to listen to those little ones because they’re not imagining anything. They are remembering that how interconnected we are.
They are wonderful reminders.
Why do you think, Tina, that you know when you say, ‘I searched for that Veil and I just can’t find it.’
What I interpret that is, well, why don’t you interpret it for us. What do you mean when you say that I can’t find the veil?
People keep saying, in fact a lot of spiritual teachers I’ve heard say this too, that there is a veil between the Earth plane and the heavens. Or a veil between the physical and a non-physical world. And I just have not been able to find it so the veil.
To me it’s like a term that’s used that we’re separate when really we’re not separate at all.
So I think that’s what people mean by that. I’ve run around to look for a veil, but I’m not looking for actually a sheet hanging up. I was just interested because it’s not everybody’s experience to to have that connection constantly and I think that’s why others of us, including me, would say, ‘yeah there is a veil.’
But somehow, either it was natural for you or you learned how to that wasn’t going to be for you.
I grew up in a very very intuitive family. Everybody thinks that means it came being intuitive. And a medium means it comes down through the generations, when actually, how I perceive it is my family just thought it was normal to be intuitive. And it was normal to see and talk to the deceased.
So that it’s the norm. The normal of this world of the non-physical world that came down through the generations and I’m telling you, I don’t bring this up, but my parents, my upbringing with my sister and I, they were very very very abusive and yet they were very very very intuitive so intuition doesn’t really mean that you are a kind or a nice person. It just means you realize that there are other Realms in our existence.
I don’t know if I answered your question but that’s what came up.
No absolutely you did.
It’s interesting because I have talked about it before. I think we come in with that innate wisdom and then, whether it’s family structure, or just ourselves, if you don’t have that family history that you have where it’s open and acknowledged and those sorts of things, I think the veil does get raised or or put into place, and just you know wondering if that’s part of many people’s process that you know and why I just I don’t know the answers to that but I’m TR work with tons of people.
I’m sure and tons would you say that their experiences, that the veil is present, and you’re there to help them move it. Or how does that work for you?
My primary goal is to help people realize that there’s not that division, because you know the three of us sitting here. We are energy. We’re not just a physical body. We are energy and even on Zoom. Our energy is intermingling.
That’s why when I see clients and things on Zoom. I don’t feel that there’s a separation because we’re looking at a screen. We are energetic beings. But when adults and teachers and whoever else is saying, ‘No you’re here a physical body. You don’t see anything. There’s nothing there.’
For the most part it gets taught to us that we separate when we came in. We knew we weren’t but then it kind gets beat out of us, verbally at least.
It’s interesting that just like I feel this like overwhelming sadness at the acknowledging. I keep thinking, oh I should write a book about intuition and children.
And I thought, well, I’m in the depths of writing a book now. In fact I’ve come out of my sabbatical to do this talk together, with you two, but because I’m writing in the throws of writing book number six, but that’s one of my goals. To help people realize we’re not separate at all. And the non-physical world is right there.
My cousin’s little boy, for another example, my cousin’s little boy he was in battle all the time. He would sit on the floor as a little three and four-year-old 5-year-old and he was in great battles that he was having with little toy men and little figures and stuff. My cousin was just distraught about this and and so I tried to help him realize, well, he’s come from a past life where he’s been in Great Battles.
You know to try to normalize it for my cousin.
Sure. Can we allow them the space to work through it?
It’s interesting, Tina. I so appreciate your languaging around the veil because I don’t feel separate either. And I never have, but I also think that I was the fifth of eight children and my parents didn’t have the time or energy to put into reinforcing those stories is how I tell myself.
A good part of it, yes. They were very busy and they had my third. So I’m the fifth of eight but my third sister died when she was very young, and I just think my parents were surviving. Let alone with having so many children.
So I just think, well, in that survival mode keeps us very very involved with the physical world and we don’t have time or space to to notice that we are energy beings in an energetic Universe. You know so that’s how it kind of happens. We get lost in all the details.
I appreciate that like I said, the language. It’s helpful when I’m working with clients. I often say they’re right here they’re right here. Just talk to them like they’re right here because they are.
And since you said that, let me emphasize, too, that we humans do tend to talk a lot to our deceased, or the deceased people, friends and family. And all that, but what I’m really focusing on in this particular book I’m writing right now is stop talking and listen because everybody tells me when I work with mentoring clients, they’ll say, I’m talking and talking and talking to the spirit and they’re just not saying anything. And I said, well, have you stopped talking to them? And paused. And to let them answer you. No I never thought about that. I never about that love that so pause and give give pause and take the pop. That’s what I always say. Pause and take the pop. And whatever pops in your mind words or images.
Oh I’m glad you’re laughing about that.
Tell me more about the Laughing.
Because there’s a truth in it. I think for us laugh about it that we do we have so much to say to our deceased loved ones or the deceased people that we had struggles with. And we talk and talk. And it’s fascinating to me that people don’t give them a chance to answer. I think they don’t realize, oh, wait a minute. The deceased are just as alive as we are. I always say that they’re just as alive as we are. They have a bunch of things to say to us but we have to give them a chance to say it.
I’m interested Tina, when you’re working with people and teaching them how to do that, could you share some of that process, which is, how do you get them in the space to be able to to listen or to hear messages that are coming through?
Well, I have to think about that. How do I get them in the space?
Well, I practice because we have a lot to say to the deceased. But then, what the main thing is, I guess I teach people is say something to them. Pause and allow them to respond. So I literally and I literally walk people through it. And people in my courses, say something to your deceased. Pause and take whatever leaps telepathically. And I teach people about telepathy a lot because thought is his energy and so telepathic information bouncing back and forth is really thought energy bouncing back and forth.
I teach people how important our thoughts are and that we think but also the words that we say out loud. Because every word is an electrical spurt of energy. And then when we stick a bunch of words together for a phrase or a sentence, that’s its own energy. And so that’s really telepathic thought.
So they’ll answer in words phrases or individual words but they’ll also answer in images, too.
And I even work with a lot of animal communicators. I help them to really let the animal respond and really receive what they’re showing you. Animals usually use more images. But I just kind of walk people through learning to receive the information.
Do you find that different people have different ways of receiving how it comes through?
I think people call it different words. I think they call it different things. Like the intuitive teachers. They’ll say The Claire so it’s Clairvoyance clairaudience, and things like that.
So there are kind of those labels where CLA audience really means, in my opinion, that as the three of us talk together, when you say something to me, those words are touching my ears. But with telepathic communication, it’s the energy of thought that comes in. To me, clairvoyance and clairaudience—especially clairaudience—are very different because sometimes, well, like, I’ll tell you this: I woke up in the middle of the night because somebody yelled, “Tina!” I woke up and went, “What?!” And so that was a voice literally touching my eardrum. But that’s kind of unusual, you know? I’m apparently pretty good at this, but that hardly ever happens. A voice from Spirit touching my eardrum is rare; it’s mostly telepathic thought energy bouncing back and forth.
Yeah. When did you step into this work in a more, I don’t know, formal or structured way?
Tina: Love your voice, by the way. I love both of your voices. Such great voices.
Tina: How I stepped into it—well, well, that’s kind of a long story. Probably because of my horrible upbringing, I went into psychiatric nursing, became a psychiatric nurse specialist, and then opened up my own private practice. One of the things I would say to your listeners is: pay attention to what pulls at you or what you feel as a yearning.
I was yearning to learn to do hypnosis. I was living in New Mexico back then; I had just lived and worked on the Navajo reservation. So anyway, I went to a hypnosis school in New Mexico a long time ago. That led me to mostly doing past-life regressions. Then a book literally fell out on the floor in a bookstore—it really did, people always say that, but it truly happened! It was Michael Newton’s book Journey of Souls.
He’s passed on now, but he only worked with people who were already hypnotherapists and doing past lives. I fit his criteria, and he was teaching in the Netherlands. So, I went to Amsterdam and studied with him for a week. It’s his method of taking people into a past life and then using that as a springboard to go into our life in the spirit realm. Literally, he calls it “Life Between Lives.”
So it’s not just about our lives here on Earth; we’re alive even when we’re not in a physical form. There’s nothing like it—when we sit in the dark with a person, help guide them into a past life (which is very, very real), and then guide them into the spirit realm. That was a springboard for me to start teaching these things, having all that experience and listening to others’ experiences.
So I would ask people to notice what they’re yearning for. Notice that pull because, in my inner knowing, I noticed that pull and yearning.
I guess another example I could give you—I’m kind of rattling on here—but do you remember when laptops first came out?
Yeah, a long time ago.
Tina: Well, a family member of mine was very high-tech and got a laptop. I was sitting there in the living room with her for a couple of nights, and she was on her laptop doing—I have no idea what. I thought, Oh, I have to have a laptop. I’ve got to have a laptop. I remember asking her, “How much are these things?” She told me the price, and I was like, “Oh, that’s horrible! Awful!”
But that inner knowing—that yearning—I just knew. So I got a laptop. That same person taught me how to use it, and you know what? I started writing books about all this stuff! That was one of those pivotal moments, that yearning.
So I beg everyone to notice what pulls you or what you’re yearning for because that’s a signal.
Yeah, it’s an opportunity to learn something about ourselves for sure.
Tina: Yes, yes. And it’s showing us the path that would be optimal to take. We have lots of paths, but some are better than others.
Yeah, they’re all paths, however.
Tina: They are all paths, yeah. I think the yearning piece is really important. Personally, I’ve recalled other things I’ve yearned for in my life and never done. Thank goodness I’m still young enough and physically able to go do those things. Now I’m finally listening to what the yearning was and having the courage or faith to try.
Tina: Such an important step—and so difficult and so easy, right? It’s so difficult to have the courage to actually do it.
Yes, absolutely,
Because, you know, when I wanted that laptop, I said, “How much are these things?” And she—oh, that’s horrible—was awful. But yes. But see, that inner knowing, I think, is we just notice that pull. Where’s the pull going to? Or what are we yearning to do?
Yeah, and off you went on your—
Hi, off I went! It was quite the journey. So, yeah, it was great, though. I mean, there was just so much learning associated with it. But what’s awesome for me now is it’s just like, hey, you know, I actually—and I’ve done lots of other things—but, you know, not necessarily the yearnings. And so it’s, I think, opening a door to, “Yeah, you know, I’m not gonna get to the end and say, ‘Gosh, I wish I had.’”
Exactly. So yes, I’m a little bit of a late bloomer in that department, but still early enough.
I don’t think you’re a late bloomer. I—
I just took time, the same thing.
Yeah, yeah. It’s—never asked you this—the trainings that are on your website for mediumship and medical intuition are the primary ones that I saw. But you’ve also done, have this whole background of past life regression and life between lives, etc. Do you still teach those things too?
No, I haven’t been. Because rather than teaching them, I was facilitating people. When I was in private practice, I was facilitating people to do those things. But my medical intuitive books—there’s one, “Become One,” that’s kind of the introduction of how to get this going if you’re yearning to feel the pull to do this. And then “Advanced.” And then the third one is “Be Your Own Medical Intuitive.” Because, you know, if we don’t want to heal—and a lot of people aren’t aware of this—but they don’t really want to get better. But if we want to get better, we are energetic beings. We’re truly responsible for ourselves.
And I’m one that—I want to interlink the Western medicine with what I call the OWAH. You know, the Western medicine with energy healing—we’ll call it energy healing.
I love that. OWAH! Yay!
Yeah. So it’s really linking the two together. So, you know, if we don’t participate with energy medicine or the Western medicine—if we don’t participate—not much is going to happen. Not much is going to happen. So that’s what that third book is.
In your experience, what is it that has people in that space where they don’t really want to heal?
That’s a good question. It seems to me that there’s a secondary gain. That’s what the mental health counselor in me says. That there—
A lot of times, there’s this secondary gain. A dramatic example would be this grandmother that I know. She had her grandkids—two or three boys, very boisterous boys—and she had them every day. She had them on the weekends; she had them constantly. She was telling the family, “I can’t do this. You know, it’s too much,” things like that. But they—you know—they just kept having her take the kids.
And so, really, what happened was she had a massive stroke. People were caring for her, and she was no longer caring for everybody else almost 24/7. So, it’s kind of a dramatic example, but there’s usually some kind of secondary gain.
I’d say fascinating.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I think it is too.
What else are you thinking, babe?
That—just why it is in life. It’s just like making the decision to follow where you actually do something about a yearning. The same, I think, peace may be associated with not, you know, saying, “I want to get better,” but really not being invested in the energetic healing for whatever reason.
And just—I’m wondering, as human beings, why we throw these barriers in our way. You know, we’re pretty good at it. You know, we’re pretty darn good at it.
Well, I think this is why your focus for your podcast is so vital: that inner knowing. Because people get so caught up in the physical world and all the measurements that we put on ourselves—to succeed at this and succeed at that—that all those measurements, you know, are hard to keep up with.
And I—I think we lose that. It’s kind of like little kids—back to the kids again. I don’t know why I’m talking about kids so much today, but back to the kids. Usually, when they’re around six or seven years old, they stop saying the cool stuff because they’re going to school now. They’re getting very busy with the physical world, and they stop. They stop telling you about heaven, they stop telling you about the angels, they stop talking about that stuff because we get so involved in, you know, making the rent and stuff like that.
Tina, for you, what do you notice in your body when you are not as connected as you would like to be? Like, what’s your sign that, “Ooh, I need to—I need to get back into my whatever-you-call-it, your knowing?” What’s the signal for you when you’re out? And then what do you do to help yourself get back in?
A lot of people would say they get very anxious and stuff, but I—I really don’t get anxious. So your question is so unique. Mostly, I will feel a bit lost. I will think, “Oh, what—what should I—what—what should I do?”
And one of the things I taught for about 10 years was meditating. I—I have to sit down and get quiet because my brain will go, you know, like this. And so I think—I think feeling a bit lost would be my key word that I would respond to you about that. I know that, you know, if I’m going, “What—or what should I do?” or whatever, it’s time to sit my butt down and actually go into that stillness.
And in that stillness, I—it actually is a listening place too. It’s a receiving place also.
Yeah. I resonate with that.
Oh, absolutely, yeah.
Deep Inner Knowing Meditation
What’s your process when you do that? What’s your typical meditation style, just so listeners can, you know, understand how different people do it?
You—you have the most profound questions of anyone I have been working with. This is amazing.
Yes, thank you. I forgot—what—what was your question? Say it again.
When—when you’re feeling out of touch with your knowing and you say, “Hey, it’s time to sit myself down, and I’ve got to meditate to, you know, open this back up,” what is your process for that?
I literally sit still. I love—like you, I love to be outdoors, and especially with trees. And I will sit down, and I’ll notice my thoughts are just—I think, “No, just calm down. No, just calm down.”
And so I just keep repeating that. And I also deliberately—and I do this every day—I deliberately direct my own energy field. And—and even science, even science has called it the human toroidal field. So I direct my own energy field like a fountain, bringing it up from the center of the Earth—Earth, up, up—and fill myself, and then it shoots up into the heavens.
But then the heavens give back down to us, into our body and our energy field, down to the Earth, and then back up again. And that does everything. When I teach that in my classes, I’ve had people come in, you know, after the first day and come back, and they’re just like, “I’ve been doing that too. I feel… well, that’s really something. I feel so different.”
And it’s getting in charge of the energy being that we are, is what I think’s happening. So, I get busy doing that and feeling it, and then my thoughts calm down. You know, I’m not just a thought maker—I’m calming down to become the energy being that we really are.
Yeah, that’s—I don’t know—that’s the best I can answer that question.
That’s lovely.
Yeah, I’ve seen the—you know, Betty Anne had showed me the photograph of what that looks like several years ago.
And I love it because I am—I mean, I—I always pull energy from the Earth through the bottom of my feet. And I, you know, that’s what I’ve done, and so I really loved the visual to kind of complete it—the visual piece—because I’m a very visual person.
So, yeah, it’s a beautiful—
Me too.
Yeah, it’s an up and a filling, but it’s—we’re so full, we also shoot up into the heavens. But then the more refined we get—I always say—the spirit realm can only meet us wherever we’re at. You know, it’s kind of that “like attracts like.”
So, the—the more clear that we are and the more we’ve raised our vibration, the more it can meet us at that higher level. And so then they give back to us in a—a higher-level way. We fill up, and then it’s—it’s an up-and-down constant movement. It’s kind of like a—I always say, if you can picture a fountain out in a pond. The fountain is really only a pipe, you know, and it’s pulling the water up, gushing it up into the heavens, and then the—the fountain, you know, rains back down into the pond, and then it comes back up.
You—so that’s what I do. So I’m really getting quiet, but I’m also deliberately running my energy. Yeah, I’m still kind of trying to answer your question.
Oh, it’s very helpful. I—I just think the visual piece of that is—I mean, for me, what I’m seeing is—I—I have, when I do that, it’s typically, you know, up the chakras and then back down. And I’m not, like, projecting it out into a field around me. So I’m thinking that there’s a difference between, you know, being that insular and then broadening it out. So I’ll try that the next time.
Well, and I would ask you too to not send it outward. I would ask you to fill up so full that it—you—it’s kind of like a—we’re a light bulb. And, you know, the light bulb’s light is there in a little speck in the center, and it’s so bright that it just shines out.
So don’t send—there’s a difference between shining out and sending our energy outward.
See, that’s the difference because you want to stay very full. Yeah, so don’t send it out—just let it be. Your job would be to get as brilliantly bright as you can inside, and then you’ll just shine out. Don’t forget—you have a backside too. Everybody forgets we have a backside.
Yeah, that’s a really important point because when you sense into your body, I think it’s normal for us to be like, “Oh, it’s here, you know, it’s all in the front,” because that’s where our arms go, I guess, and where our eyes go too. We kind of think, yeah, personally, we kind of think we’re just here. But no, we’ve got a back too. In fact, energetically, that’s where we’re really vulnerable.
And think about phrases in our language—oh yeah, that hurt me, and it just felt like she stabbed me in the back. You know, we have a lot of back phrases because it’s a vulnerable area.
Sure, sure.
Yeah, it’s interesting.
Thank you.
Yeah, I love the visual.
Yeah, you mentioned earlier, Tina—I think you said his name was Michael Newton?
Newton, yes.
Yeah. When you think about, over the last several decades, resources—books, classes—that you felt touched you in some way and stand out maybe more than others, what comes to mind?
Well, I’m kind of hesitant to say out loud, but I’ll say it—that I really don’t take any classes. I did with Newton, which was unusual, and I, of course, went to school for nurse training at Purdue and then specialized in psychiatric nursing. And then there was the hypnosis training. I also went for a week with Newton. That’s really it.
In fact, I was asked to be a speaker at the Holistic Nurses Association—I think they were having a convention in Florida. I went, and I had to fill out a lot of forms for them. One of the forms asked, “Tell us about all of your training, who you trained with, and what books did you train with,” and stuff like that. And I said, “I don’t have any.”
You know, they let me talk anyway—they still let me present. Even then, I don’t think I had studied with Newton. But you know where I get this information? Let me share this.
This is where I get this information without studying from another human: I listen more to my guides, my spirit guides, than I do to living humans. And I actually got rid of all of my guides at one point.
This is a long answer, by the way, to your question.
It’s okay.
Yeah. But these two words were just bombarding me all the time, and it was getting kind of… I thought maybe I was losing it. But these two words were just constant. I’d wake up and hear them. I’d be driving down the road and hear them. The words were “Divine” and “Sacred.”
To make a super long story short, I was getting information from the universe to release my lower-level guides and only work with the Divine and Sacred—or at least, in our English language, using the words “Divine” and “Sacred.” Because every word is an electrical signal, right? I began working only with that level of guide.
And that’s when everything kind of went cowabunga! That really made a difference.
A lot of people say, “Oh yeah, I’m working with my guides.” But a lot of people are working with dead people—spirits. And you know, if I fall over dead tonight, then I’m not going to be at the Divine Sacred level—I’m going to be a dead person. So I ask people to really consider, really consider, only working with the Divine and Sacred.
Because, you know, I have my grandma and grandpa here all the time—they’re in and out quite a bit—but they’re not at that Divine Sacred level. They’re my helpers for my personal life. But, oh my goodness, I would never go to them for healings or teachings or any of that.
That was a really long answer, wasn’t it?
Oh, it was really helpful. Bless your heart.
Yeah, it made all the difference in the world. And that’s where I get my information from, and that’s what I teach.
Yeah, I’ve heard Betty Anne say that—Divine and Sacred.
So, yeah.
Yeah, she’s doing it.
Yes, she is.
She is, yeah.
Yeah, no, I appreciate the learning. To me, languaging is so important, like you were describing. It all has energy.
Yeah, it is energy. It’s just not thinking—it is creating an energetic spurt through our body, our energy field, and out into the universe.
Be careful what you think—that’s what I would say to your listeners.
Yeah, I’m sitting here thinking, “I need to be so much more responsible.” But I’m on the right path, on the spectrum, you know? I’m improving.
I think you’re farther along on your path than you’re giving yourself credit for. Give yourself some credit.
Yeah, I agree. I say that often.
Well, like—then there are the words, right?
Come on now. You have two of us.
This is great. What a great day.
Yeah, there you go.
It is, yeah.
Yeah. So, Tina, because you know the hour goes by so fast, I’d like you to share with our listeners about the work you do and the books you write. What are you hopeful for them, and what are the best places to access information about you and your work?
Oh wow, wow. Well, thank you for asking that—I’m surprised, so thank you.
Well, my website is very easy to find—it’s my name: I like to make things simple and to the point—so,
And there, if you want to check out what my books are about, you can check that out. There are descriptions of my courses and the ones lined up for next year.
One of my primary goals is to help people realize that they are energetic beings and that we are all very much in an energetic world—and that we’re not separate. One of the main things… in fact, during the sabbatical I mentioned, I’m writing a mediumship book.
One of my goals for that is to take the fear out of it. People are terrified of it. They’ll say, “I’m here to learn medical intuition,” and they’ll be at one of my courses, “but I don’t want to see any dead people.”
Well, you know, that’s part of our world. But it’s that fear—that terror sometimes—that people have. So my goal is always to take the scariness out and to be more in charge—of our energy field, of our life, of what the heck we’re doing, and that kind of thing.
I love that. Thank you. I agree so much.
So, are your courses online and in person? Are they mostly online, or what are those?
Oh, on my website, there are recorded courses. These are actually recordings of me teaching, so you’re getting the real course.
I have Become a Medical Intuitive as one course, Advanced Medical Intuition as another course, and then Be Your Own Medical Intuitive, which focuses on self-healing and running your own energy in certain ways—getting more in charge of you, your body, and your health.
And then my other two books are the Reiki books. One of the reasons my first book was actually The Reiki Teacher’s Manual is because lots of people were coming to my classes, and usually, a third of the class were Reiki practitioners. I was hearing all kinds of things that I felt were very incorrect about Reiki. So, really, when I got that laptop I’d been yearning for, my first book was The Reiki Teacher’s Manual.
I thought, “I’ve got to tell people that they’re harming themselves by doing Reiki this way.” So that’s what happened.
As far as getting my books, my goodness—you can always get them on Amazon and all the other places. They’re in print, audio—which people seem to love because they’re driving down the road listening to my books—and eBook format too.
eBook as well.
I’m an audiobook person too.
Are you? See, I think it’s really popular now.
My brain processes really fast, and the audiobook allows you to control the speed. My brain stays better engaged if it’s a little bit faster than we normally speak.
Oh, that makes total sense.
I like that.
I like that too.
Well, if you were going to offer something to our listeners today—it can be an intention, a mantra, whatever comes to you—what would you offer them today?
Once again, you two have the deepest, most profound, wonderful questions.
You know, I would ask people to remember and realize that we don’t need to find ourselves. We’re already there.
One of our jobs, I think—one of the biggest jobs we have—is to allow. When the guides were yelling “Divine” and “Sacred” at me, more recently, they’ve been yelling the word “allow.”
So, you know, I’m passing that on because this is the word they’re emphasizing to me the most: to teach about allowing. We’re so much in charge of our life and what’s going on, but we have to allow.
We don’t have to find ourselves; we need to just allow the world to give to us, to come to us, and to be ourselves.
Thank you.
Thank you, Tina. It’s just been lovely. We really appreciate you sharing your wisdom and insight.
Thank you.
You two are very, very special. And make sure that you don’t take that off the recording so people hear it—that you two are very special.
Thank you, Tina.
Okay, he is lovely. And so is she. Yay, sitting there or hiking—he’s wonderful.
He is.
Oh, thank you for joining us today. We are excited to explore life with you. We encourage curiosity, self-growth, and strive to be more compassionate every day.