Introduction to Nonphysical Entities Causing Illness or Life Struggles
We have found a strange footprint on the shores of the unknown.”
Arthur Eddington
As I prepared to write Advanced Medical Intuition and especially these chapters, I became aware of six levels of negative interference that I have had experience with. These levels increase in severity from one to six. A lower level, however, can be just as intrusive to a living person as a higher level. I have organized chapters 10–12 with each chapter containing two levels with a similar severity of interference, and thus have the same healing technique. These healing techniques will be found at the end of each chapter.
The negative component of the nonphysical realm does exist, even if you would rather think it doesn’t. I want to inform you of the variety of situations you may come across as a medical intuitive so you will be prepared for them. Study these three chapters and you will know how to handle yourself, your clients, and the negative beings of the nonphysical world. You will discover how to provide healing in new and surprising ways.
This is a sensitive subject because of society’s beliefs, philosophies, and religious trainings. It must be brought out into the light however, that nonphysical entities, especially the dark and deeply negative beings, are power-packed with emotion. If you are an energy worker offering any type of bodywork, you must be open to learning about negative spirits and entities that potentially affect your clients and will ultimately affect you.
I want you to be more prepared than I ever was. I want you to be educated, aware, and alert for all possibilities in the nonphysical realm of life. I want you to be ready for this level of awareness and know you can handle that awareness with a commanding attitude. If you have this education now, you will not be surprised and caught off guard when you perceive the “positive invisible world” and the “negative invisible world.” You will think to yourself, “Oh, there it is. I have learned about this from Tina’s teachings and I am prepared. I am capable of enjoying the positive and, at the same time, I am capable of facilitating healing steps when the negative is interfering. I am ready to help my physical clients and my nonphysical, nonhuman clients without any fear.”
When fear surges though people, it is like a tidal wave of debilitating energy leaving us diminished and terribly jeopardized. Emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, or remorse weaken areas in the human field. The nonhuman entity will become the bully, striking your most vulnerable point. Our weakest location is always obvious in our energetic field. The impaired area appears thin and vulnerable. That weakened area is like an open door that naturally draws the attention of negative beings.
The first time I presented this segment in my workshop is what truly inspired the advanced day of my workshop. I could not sleep the night before my presentation. That morning, trembling in front of a large class, I said, “We will begin today with the dark, but we will not end this day with the dark. We will end the day in Love, Light, and strength.” I then began to teach about the strange, the weird, and the negative. As I talked, the room became extraordinarily still. The students seemed immersed in my words. No one moved or became angry or ran out of the room as I expected. I continued on with my information in a neutral, matter-of-fact manner.
The energy shifted when I said, “Many of you in this workshop are energy workers or professional intuitives. I know some of you have had similar experiences to those I have described. I can see that awareness in some of your eyes. My hope is that some of you will now share what you have perceived. If you do share, you will help validate the details I am teaching and help the other students to realize it is not just me who has had these experiences.” Five students raised their hands to speak. They shared their own experiences with the strange, the weird, and the negative. The class then became eager to discuss this topic, and everyone began to breathe again.
Here is the most valuable key to your success as a medical intuitive:
Negative beings have no power, energy, or love of their own, so they attempt to take it from others. You, as the medical intuitive, are the one in charge and in a powerful position to assist everyone and everything involved.
Now I will give you two rules for conducting a medical intuitive session with a client who is affected by a nonphysical entity:
Rule #1: I ask from this point forward that you now consider any level of an intrusive, interfering negative entity first and foremost as a client. Many times this “client” might be an unexpected surprise to you. This being is still a client who needs help and healing. This client, however, is also an obstructive interference for the living human client sitting in front of you. Both must be cared for with unconditional love. Both of your clients have come from Source. Everything from Source holds a spark of light. Even the negative and the dark beings come from the Creative Source of All. From the confused, unaware spirit person to the darkest of the dark, all of these negative beings have that same spark of Light and goodness. They have lost track of the Light, have forgotten, or do not feel they deserve it any longer.
Rule #2: Never chase a negative entity away. Never try to get rid of them by using hostile attacks similar to what you see with exorcisms on TV. Years and years ago, I too used to go at them with “guns a-blazing,” but not anymore. I work with negative beings as I do with any other client in need. Approach them with respect because of their strong abilities to interfere with human development. I also approach negative entities knowing they, too, are struggling in ways that we humans cannot even conceive. If you approach them with the dazzling Light of the Divine Compassionate Source, it seems to catch them off guard. Please remember and utilize this new philosophy when you discover a negative nonphysical being.
Understanding negative beings as different levels of interference will provide you with a profound change in your concepts of the dark. Understanding negative entities as clients in need of relief will dramatically alter your beliefs in positive, life-changing ways. It is crucial that you keep the following truth in the forefront of your mind. Even the darkest of the dark entities came from the Greater Creator. The dark has forgotten, ignored, or become fearful of Source’s Light.
This Light is literally the spark of life energy and knowledge springing from Source. Having the dark realms and the Light realms gives us options and constant choices to make in developing our personal level of advancement and expansion.
Rule #1 Perceive all entities first as a client in deep need of help and healing.
Rule #2 Never chase deceased people or entities away or try to “get rid of them”.
Essential Point: Even the darkest of the dark entities, came from the Greater Creator.
When your client is affected with one or more different negative types or levels of interference, you become the catalyst for change. And yes, there can be more than one entity involved with your client, and sometimes there may be many entities functioning at different levels. You may have the physical client in your office as well as many negative non-physical entities at the same time. Just like people in the living, some are shy, quiet, and some are in hiding, while others are aggressive and loud. Any and all negative beings affecting your client are simply in need of help as much as the client in your office. Accept this concept now and you are on your way as an advanced medical intuitive.
Verbal Signals of Negative Interference that You Might Here
One day you might notice that an acquaintance, a client, a family member, or a friend is quite different than the last time you saw them. If that is the case, you may be detecting interferences by a negative entity. The differences can be subtle or radically different. Please understand that these differences are not always dark forces at work. That individual might have just discovered that an old friend died, but they are not ready to discuss it. They might be embarrassed to inform you that they lost their job last week. Life changes can create mood changes and create different actions or behaviors too. It is not always “energetic bad guys” as I often call them. With permission, use your intuitive abilities to assess the individual’s body and energy field to determine if there is a negative influence.
When I look back over my earlier years of childhood and adolescence, I remember people who exhibited one or more of the following signals of negative interference. At that time, I was not aware of the spirit realm affecting people in negative ways. As a child, my experiences with the spirit world were sometimes eerie but also a natural, positive part of my life. I had no idea that the spirit world included compassionate, selfless, loving beings and, at the same time, self-centered, egocentric beings with goals of power and destruction. Just like the physical world, the non-physical world includes everything in between these extremes. Isn’t it the same here in the material realm? Even the Bible states, “As above, so below.”
The following describes some of the primary verbal signals that negative influences might be obstructing a human being. Be one the alert when you hear statements such as:
“I have not felt right or well since I was at (names a certain location).”
“I feel weird all the time.”
“I do not feel like myself.”
“I feel like someone is behind me watching everything.”
“I am having hideous dreams at night.”
“I have gone to every specialist in the area and no one can find the reason for my illness.”
To briefly summarize the two vital details:
Perceive all entities, especially the dark, ugly and mean, first as a client in need.
You are now becoming a healer for the negative and the dark. Be ready to become the healer for them. Heal them as you also heal the living human client before you.
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