Have you ever asked, is there Medical intuitive Training Near Me?
Medical intuitive, Tina Zion kicks off her first episode on News For The Soul, Learn Intuitive Skills with Tina Zion. Tina speaks about becoming a Medical intuitive, and shares her earliest recollection of interacting with the spirit world, with News For The Soul Founder Producer Host, Nicole Whitney.
“I was about five years old, six years old. There were spirit people in my bedroom.
In fact, one of them was an older male who kept coming in and pushing himself into my back. As a little tiny kid I felt like I was going to blow up. I felt like an over inflated balloon. And then he would just kind of pass on through and a few days later it would happen again.
It happened a lot. In fact, even after we moved to another house, he must have followed us because he would do the same thing. And as I got a little bit older…this is kind of the neat part for everybody to hear…I had enough ego strength and I was old enough, I told him to knock it off and that he couldn’t come into my body anymore.
And by gosh, he didn’t.
And that was my first clue that spirit people will actually do what we tell them to do, if we mean it. We have to mean it. We are in charge of our boundaries more than we think.”
Nicole: And how did you know they were spirits if they were?
Tina: Usually, I would be able to see through them. So they were a bit transparent. The ones who have crossed over tend to be more transparent and the ones who are, you know, hanging around here on earth tend to be more dense, but I could always tell because of that. You could kind of see through them and see what was on the other side.
…My family expected to see and interact with deceased people.
It was considered normal. We were expected to be intuitive and we were expected to know who was calling on the phone before we picked up, you know, back then before cell phones.
And it was expected that we perceive the deceased, especially family members.
We were expected. It wasn’t a surprise. We never had any classes. It was just an expectation. I realized now how normalized they made it for me.
Nicole: Very normally explains why you weren’t afraid much. That’s quite unusual. Most people got shut down, you know, from all sides, right?
Tina: When they were young and growing up. Yes, terribly shut down. Now, they’re, they’re told they’re making it up.
Nicole: That’s the norm. It’s interesting though.
The other pattern I see by asking this question to everyone who joins us here, you get to compare notes, right?
Around puberty, which is when you sort of established boundaries and got that guided, take a hike, that seems to be where we step into it more, or things go a little more crazy around that time of puberty.
Did you see other things happening, changing around that time?
Tina: Well, I wasn’t invaded upon anymore, but as I got older, I would roam around. We lived on a farm and I would roam around in the middle of the night and I would see a deceased farmer out behind the barn, and the animals were talking to me and things like that.
That was kind of in the early teens when I was out roaming around and just thought it was very natural. I realize it probably wasn’t now, but well, which one’s natural, right?
Nicole: The fact that you’re on a farm and in nature probably, played a part, I’m assuming.
Did you ever get that sense?
Tina: Very much so, yes, because I was very isolated. I had a brother and sister, but I was the oldest, and we didn’t have any neighbors so I had much more time to notice the non physical.
Nicole: So when did things develop from there as you’ve grown up, you’ve been connected. What happens of next significance around the unseen for you?
Tina: Oh, that’s a good question. Well, I always perceived spirit people around living people, and I’m a psychiatric nurse specialist, and mental health counselor, and so oftentimes I would perceive a deceased person walk in at the same time my living client would walk in for a counseling session. Oftentimes the deceased person didn’t mean to do any harm, but was causing some conflicts or harm for the living client.
I was always aware of those things, and then I started teaching Reiki a lot.
That’s when the medical part came in that I was suddenly looking inside of people’s bodies. So that’s how that transitioned into mediumship and intuition and then really became Medical intuition.
I was just very spontaneously seen inside of people’s bodies. Even though I didn’t need to.
Nicole: Did you say you were a psychiatric nurse before that?
Tina: Yes.
Nicole: Like, mainstream? Like the kind of psychiatric nurse that thinks all this stuff is delusion and mental illness? That kind?
Tina: Yes, I was undercover apparently.
Nicole: How did you get over there, and how did you know not to, you know, what happened there?
You’re hanging left somewhere on me here.
Tina: Well, boy, that’s a good question. To me it was so natural, but early on I realized it wasn’t natural for everyone. So I learned to keep my mouth closed about it. But I would see. I used to work literally in psychiatric units in the hospital.
And so very, very, very, mentally ill and disturbed people would be our patients and, frequently I would see a schizophrenic person. They had multiple entities. Multiple, diseased people bothering them.
But, you know, I learned by then…my goodness, I was in my twenties and thirties and realized that I couldn’t go there in that environment.
Nicole: What drew you to that line of work in the 1st place?
Tina: I was always, always interested in people’s mental states. I was always interested in that. And when somebody suggested, why don’t I go to nursing school, I thought, ‘Oh, wait a minute. This would be a quick way to get into the mental health field.
I was never really that interested in the physical medical field of it. And because I love talking to people. I just love listening to their stories and their struggles. So it’s just kind of a natural transition, I guess.
Nicole: It makes sense when you put it in that context, doing what you do now.
I’m curious though, when you were especially working in mental health realms like the hospitals, because you have remarked over the years, many times, how many people there are having real experiences and they’re told their delusions and being drugged. Did you ever get a sense of that when you were there?
Tina: Oh, frequently. You know, in the physical world, especially the medical world, would be so limited in their viewpoint that they would always think people were psychotic.
Sometimes people were very, very, very disturbed, but it was common for them to try to medicate.
Nicole: How did you discover Reiki? How did that come into your path?
Tina: I was at a woman’s conference with a few other friends of mine and somebody said, ‘you know, there were breakout sessions to learn things.’ And one of my friends said, ‘well, let’s take this Reiki.’
And I said, ‘I don’t know what it is.’
What is it?
And they said, ‘well, I don’t know. It’s some sort of energy medicine or energy work or something like that.
I think there were four of us. We went into that class and we actually were taught the first level of Reiki and given the attunement. I went with that and other levels of Reiki.
I started to include that in my counseling.
I was in private practice for counseling after I left the hospital. I started offering Reiki and people loved it.
While I was doing Reiki, I started picking up people’s spirit guides and, I could suddenly look inside of people.
I finally got brave enough and I asked the clients, when the Reiki session was done here, I received some intuitive information. Would you like to hear about it? And I was scared to death. And, oh, I’m telling you, everybody that’s listening to this.
And then I started to realize no one said ‘No,’ everybody just lit up and was so excited and they were so happy. And so I would have them sit down and I would just tell them whatever I noticed inside of their body or a deceased family member that came in. Or sometimes an angel would come in and give a message and people loved that.
And then I started drawing pictures for them too, to show how their energy field looked like before the Reiki session. And how the energy field became more colorful and more beautiful during and after the Reiki.
And I would recommend that to, the listeners too. If you’re receiving this information draw a picture for people because then hand it to them because then they’ve got something concrete to take home with them.
Nicole: So, you know, we started with our famous 1st question, carry that 1 on to the 2nd stage as you’re discovering these things. You must have been having some profound new experiences that you didn’t know previously were possible.
Do you remember any specific instances that just wowed you in a way, you know, it’s real?
Tina: Well, people started validating what I would receive.
I would pick up, like vitamin D. D is the dog. I would suddenly hear that in my mind, and so I would tell the client, Boy, I’m getting that your vitamin D is too low and they look shocked and they said they would have a lab test two or three weeks ago and it showed that.
So people will just naturally validate for you what we pick up.
Though, the very first thing I ever spontaneously looked into a body, I couldn’t figure out what was even happening. And I looked around. I still had my hands on the client, but I was seeing all these things in my mind’s eye.
And I thought, where am I in this person’s body? And I was in their colon. And That was actually my very first experience.
She was an elderly Catholic nun. Bless her heart. Um, I’m not sure how it is she came to see me, but I followed her around and I realized I was zooming. I felt like I was in a little spaceship zooming all around through her colon and I came across a group of polyps that were black.
And it looked terrible. And so we intuitives are not licensed to diagnose. We can describe and describe and describe. So I described that she had a lumpy area that was really dark in color. It didn’t look like it was flowing. And I just said those kind of descriptive words.
And I asked her, ‘Please, please, please,’ because I am a nurse too, and so I knew it was cancer, but I didn’t say cancer to her. I asked her if she would call her doctor that afternoon and get a colonoscopy. And bless her heart, she did. They found a polyp right where I had drawn the picture for her.
So what I tell people is this validation will just come naturally. It’ll really boost people up to realize how real this is.
You’ve got lab tests. You have x rays. You have ultrasounds that will confirm these things that we receive.
Nicole: Wow, that’s amazing. That was your 1st experience of that validation of that nature.
Tina: Yes. That was the very 1st one. That was in fact, it was the very 1st time I was suddenly looking inside of somebody. And then she, bless her heart, she told me afterwards. She said I showed that picture to my doctor that you drew. I go, ‘Oh, no, you didn’t.
‘Yes, I did.’ And she said that’s exactly where he found cancerous polyps and he says, I’m fine now because he had them removed.
Nicole: Wow, that’s wonderful. That’s a brilliant story.
What other validation ones like that have you experienced?
Tina: Oh, my goodness, all kinds of things. I have witnessed stones in gallbladders. Any kind of physical thing.
Someone’s thyroid that isn’t functioning well. And It has a lot to do with the color of things, too.
I teach a lot about noticing colors and the shades of color that we perceive when we’re working with somebody.
And so, like a pancreas, it will be all dim. It will be some darkness around it, and not as bright as the other organs, and I will tell people that, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, yes, I have, diabetes, and I already know that I’m struggling with my pancreas.’
I told someone that their toe was broken, and she said, ‘Oh, I hit it really hard, but, you know, it’s not broken.’
And then she got back with me and she said that she finally got an x ray and it was broken right where, right where I said it was.
So the validation will just come so naturally to people. If people wonder if they’re accurate or not, your clients will tell you.
Nicole: Wow. That’s amazing.
I know that we’re talking about teaching in your show, but is this something that you’re still actively doing these sessions?
Tina: No. I became so busy teaching people how to do this.
One of my goals for my new show here is for people to realize how powerful you are. This is a very, very natural ability that we have.
My goal is to help people realize their own power and their own abilities.
And I tell everybody that. Everybody is a natural intuitive, and everybody is a natural medium. It’s really just a matter of noticing.
I think, in different ways.
Nicole: It’s funny because the reason I asked that last question was my upstairs team was saying, ‘ask about a demo.’
I’ll put that out there anyway.
Did you want to do a mini demo session with me on the air here?
Tina: Yes, I sure can. I sure will.
Nicole: So, all right, what would we need to do to pull that off?
Tina: Well, I want to make sure that you are giving me permission, and not the staff that is saying that.
That’s one of the things I would really focus on for people, is with this ability not to misuse it and to be very, very cautious and very ethical.
I teach that quite a bit.
So if you give me permission. And I’ll take a minute here for me to kind of adjust from, thinking and talking to you, checking you out.
And if you would, your job on your end is just to feel very, very open and just allow.
It has a lot to do with allowing.
You have a really large beam of light coming up through the entire center of your body and then there’s also, you almost look like a glowing cross. Um, and, and I feel your heart, your heart has a great deal of energy. I could be saying that to anybody, but I’m telling you really what I’m getting. And I felt your heart actually flutter around a little bit.
I don’t know if it’s excitement or, pardon? Is that a good thing? What kind of fluttering? Oh, well, I did feel like a fluttering that you feel very, very excited about this. And the fact that you are glowing, um, in the shape of a cross tells me how important your show is, how important this is for you to have people out there, you know, helping each other.
And that News for the Souls, that title is one of the reasons. You know I thought I would actually have a show on the station with you. The fluttering, by the way, to answer your question is excitement.
You seem a little tired. The top of your head is not as bright as the rest of you. So you feel a bit tired to me. Feels like you’re.
Okay, thank you for that validation. It feels like you’ve been traveling a bit. I’m seeing you traveling just somewhat interdimensional. Pardon?
Interdimensional. Well, yes,
I’m fascinated that and by the cross, I’m not suggesting the Christian cross. What I’m suggesting is the. The beam of light, the vertical and horizontal beam of light crosses you right in your heart center. So that tells me that you have a big, big heart for this and for this level of work. And I have to keep saying that, because my guides keep saying that.
Now, hold on, please. There’s just one other thing you want me to do. Check out,
They’re showing me your belly button, but I think it’s because I see that you do belly dancing. But I’m talking about the belly button ring on probably just tracking. That’s very funny. That’s cute. You’re in intestines are a bit sluggish. So I would. Now, the, how I, the reason I say that is I’m pulled down to your intestinal area and it’s not as bright as the rest of your body that I’m describing.
So it’s a bit sluggish, more fiber probiotics would help you. Intestines are often about, see, every part of our body is connected with thoughts and emotions. So, thoughts and emotions are underneath everything going on, basically. And there’s just, and when I say this, just notice whatever pops into your mind, and you certainly don’t need to say it out loud.
There’s a bit of holding on to an old issue in life. And just see whatever pops up in your mind about that, just kind of holding on something’s not resolved. And so that’s creating a sluggishness in your intestine.
I can relate to that.
Good. Okay. So I hope that’s a good demonstration for everybody.
I hope. Very neat. And I’m also fascinated by this cross of light thing. Very cool. It’s very prominent. I mean, I can hardly see the rest of you because you’re so bright and, you know, that really tells me that especially where it crosses, vertically, like a, like a Christian cross, although it’s not, that’s not what I’m getting what this is about.
It’s your heart center is so big. And it’s like shooting out through your arms and your hands. It was quite lovely. Actually. Oh, and the color. Let me mention the color. It’s like a, a bright golden yellow. So, it’s a very, very high order.
It’s funny when you mentioned it. I got a visual when you said you thought that’s what I thought too when you were describing it.
Interesting. Thank you. Yes, see, we’ll see that’s that validation that you just gave me. So thank you.
Oh, thank you for the impromptu, unplanned mini segment.
Well, you’re welcome.
Very neat. As you were saying you got very busy. So, how long did that take to happen and how will you steer towards teaching?
You have the best questions. My goodness. Well, when I was doing all this counseling and Reiki sessions, and I was in private practice by then, I was not working at the hospital. So, you know, I did have to get out of that environment after about 13 years because it was so limited. Some people needed to be there, but it was a limited perspective from what I was aware of.
I realized that, after a while in private practice, that I was naturally teaching people how powerful they are. How able they are, and I realized more and more that I was teaching. I was doing Reiki then, so I thought, I gotta write a book. So I wrote a book about Reiki, the Reiki Teacher’s Manual.
And then I wrote another Reiki book about Reiki and Your Intuition, to combine those two together. And I realized that I was teaching more and more. And here locally, I was teaching meditation. I was doing little courses at our local metaphysical bookstore. So the teaching just began and I love it.
I just love it.
Just a natural progression. Apparently, yes, I realized that I was doing more teaching to show people how to do these things for themselves. And that’s really what led to all of my five books.
And then I’ve taught all over the world. People are doing this because it’s natural.
I always tell people it’s not a gift that only a few people have.
So that’s my goal in life is to help people realize that this isn’t a special gift. We can all do it if we want.
It’s logical. I mean, look how many more people you’ve helped than just by a single practice, right?
So that’s huge.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I love it when people go out and do this for other people. That’s even better. So, on that note, what do you perceive doing for future shows?
Well, my hope is to begin with what intuition really is. What medical intuition really is, and mediumship. Those three focuses. And, at first, tell people and help them to see what’s getting in their way. Because there are some common things that get in the way that people just assume they cannot do this. And yet they’re yearning.
So I would ask people to notice what you’re yearning for.
Are you yearning to speak with spirit?
Are you yearning to be more and more intuitive?
I plan to give very, very detailed information and also to experience something.
So I hope people would want to have an experience with each of my shows to really put this into action. I don’t want to just jabber about it every every month, but to actually help people put this into action.
Can you explain more what kind of interaction you’re looking at?
Well, yes, how to notice intuition.
For example, I have come up with 18 Pathways that the universe speaks to us. You know, the world around us is a living being, and it is communicating with us constantly. It’s just simply a matter of noticing that. So I came up with 18 pathways that just the world around us.
This is speaking to us and I’ve noticed, too, that I love to talk about some controversial topics with intuition.
I want to teach people what very specifically helped me to be as intuitive as I apparently am. And I want to really point out those details and how to do this and be accurate.
How to live with one foot in the physical and one foot in the non physical at the exact same time. I like to describe it that way. Which we’re apparently doing.
What kind of controversy are we talking here?
Well, sounds fun.
For one thing I’m going to talk about energetic cords. I tell people wherever I’m teaching in different countries in the world, I’m running around all over the world trying to get people to stop cutting cords because a lot of energy workers are cutting cords.
Cutting cords is not healing a cord, it’s just chopping an energetic cord into a couple of pieces.
So that’s one thing I want to talk about and explain why and, and how to heal a negative cord.
And we all have cords. A lot of our cords are very positive. You know, if we have a good relationship with people, that’s great.
Energetically we have very positive chords with them. And so I talk about.
Not working with just any old being that says that they are a guide. I want to teach people how to be more discerning about who in the heck you’re working with as a spirit guide. And that’s quite controversial. People keep telling me.
Meditation. I think it’s more sensible than controversial.
I’ve been told that a lot of people think it’s controversial.
I meditate and I taught meditation for about 10 years, but meditation is really not, in my humble opinion, a requirement to be spiritual.
So I talk about that. All kinds of things like that.
We’re definitely on the same page with a lot of this stuff. Love it.
Are you planning on having guests on?
Yes, I thought I would. I thought I would have some of my students who have mentored with me for quite some time. I send clients to them because I’m not doing readings and healings anymore because of teaching so much.
I thought that might be interesting to have someone who’s worked with me for a while.
Any open lines, interaction, like if a lot of people are going to want to call in for healings and readings, that’s, that’s a given, right? So, if you’re having your students on, are they going to do that or are you at some point open to that during the shows?
I would hope that people would want to ask questions. I would love that, and how they can start.
Doing readings for other people, but yes, I could ask my students who have mentored with me for ages. I sure can ask them if they’d be open to it too. So, but I do like that interaction.
I love it. I love it. People would ask questions and things. I love that.
So I’m just keeping one eyeball on the time. It’s just zipping along as it does here. Give us the whole overview of what it is you’re doing in the present day. What you’re offering and what your whole focus is these days?
Right now, I am in the midst of writing book number six. It’s going to be very directly about mediumship, and some different ways of looking at being a medium for the deceased.
So I’m in the throes of writing that book and you already mentioned my two books for Reiki and then my other three books. Two of them are to be a practitioner for medical intuition and then the other medical intuitive book is about doing Medical intuition for yourself, because what I’m finding is we healers are often very, very ill because we’re not taking care of ourselves as we give and give and give and give to other people. We have to take care of ourselves at least equally to what we need.
Give to others. So I very much want to emphasize that to keep the healers healthier than what they are.
I am teaching more, especially since covid is over. I’m scheduled all over the U. S. for 2024. I’m tickled to get back on the road now to do live in-person classes.
Yes. Are you primarily across the U. S. or where else do you go?
It’s anywhere. I’ve taught in, gosh, New Zealand, Australia. Europe. The UK. Canada and Mexico. Oo I’ve taught just everywhere. This year I’m scheduled, two or three times in New York State and Chicago and Kansas City, so far.
Well, we have lots of listeners in every one of those places you just listed.
Oh, good. Good. Good to know for the future.
I’m curious. you mentioned about COVID and all that fun stuff. There’s a whole lot of stuff. It’s a very different world in the last few years. A lot of different energies and changes and challenges have gone on, and could be going on further in some ways.
I’m curious what your personal perception was of that period of time and those changes. And where the planet’s at right now.
Well, we’re in quite an upheaval. And when there’s a… It’s like, a deconstruction has to happen before construction happens. So some of it seems very, very turbulent, you know, all these things going on. And there’s such a great deal of fear going on. And so, once again, the brighter we can be.
In this time of all this conflict, I beg people, I help people to not identify themselves as empaths, because empaths are very, very intuitive, but they tend to, absorb and identify the crisis is around them. And so, what I would want for everybody to hear is it really is time for those of us with light to be even brighter.
It’s like you showed me this beautiful golden yellow cross in your energy field. And it’s that brightness that is is key as we move forward. And not to get caught up in the depths of the darkness.
So it’s a deconstruction of old institutions, old ways of thinking and to build something else.
I’m not sure how to put it.
Yeah, well, you mentioned an empath. I mean, I definitely relate to that challenge and I’m surprised I was that bright today when you took a peek because it’s been very challenging. And probably normally, just a bottle of like. I just got a couple of beams going.
But they’re real strong beams though, from your heart.
That’s good. Yeah, that’s good. I said you were tired and, you know, everything you said was validated.
Oh, bless your heart.
Since we have a couple minutes to the top here, why don’t we get you to give whatever advice you can give for how. Especially for empaths and anyone that’s really being drained by this instead of being able to turn up their light.
How do we not get drained. How do we turn up our light? Especially for the empathic?
Well, like I said, empaths are extremely intuitive and very, very, very sensitive. So especially those who identify themselves as empaths, and I used to identify myself as one. We tend to identify with suffering. But then we actually merge with the suffering also.
If we merge with the suffering, it could be it…we could be sitting in our own living room watching terrible things on the news. And if we merge with that, think about it. We’ve just added to the suffering. And so I would ask people to pull their energy, literally. All we have to do is thank it and energy will follow our thoughts. We pull our energy back from what we’re getting sucked into.
Pull our energy back and then literally brighten up our own field.
One picture I would ask people to consider is to become the brightest light bulb that you can imagine. That you’re literally so full of brightness from inside shining outward just like a light bulb. When you turn it on, the light’s in the center of the light bulb and then it is so bright it shines outward in all directions and that’s us being the brightest, brightest light of all is going to be more helpful.
Because everything’s energy. Everything. Even what we see on TV. It’s energy is happening. And to be the brightest light and not get pulled into the darkness, because all that does is add to the heavy negative energy. And for us all to be the bright, bright, bright light, first of all.
And all we have to do is think it and the energy will actually follow.
I love it when science and the woo wa wa, combine.
So science is finding, too, that our thoughts are so powerful that it creates energy, but energy also follows our thoughts. And so our thoughts are creating our illness or our health as well.
Oh, so glad I asked. What a perfect note to end on. Thank you.
Yes. Thank you.
Here’s what we’ve got. We’ve got a couple minutes just at the very tippy top here. Our tradition is at the end of every show to do shameless self promotion. So any specific programs you’ve got going on? And how to get ahold of you for them, and whatever you’d like to mention. You’ve got some time to just let it rip.
Oh, oh my goodness.
Okay. Let me think about letting it rip.
Well, my website is very simple. It’s just my name, Tina Zion. com. Z I O N. So Tina Zion. com. And on my website you’ll see that I’ll be teaching. And Omega Institute in New York State and also Fellowships of the Spirit in New York State.
I’m teaching for Infinity Foundation in Chicago.
I’m hosted by a wonderful woman named Tammy Barton in Kansas City.
Those are all throughout this spring and in the summer.
And, gosh, you’ll see the information about my books. Like I said, you Reiki people out there, if you’ve been wondering how to teach Reiki to other people, my Reiki Teacher’s Manual will give you the guidelines about how to do that and what to do and, and then, um, The reason I wrote, uh, Reiki and Your Intuition, my second Reiki book, is because so many people told me that their teachers said, never include intuition in your Reiki, in your Reiki sessions.
And I said, well, I don’t know how you’re going to keep it out. I said, that’s how my medical intuition started. So I thought, well, I better write another book. So I wrote raking your intuition and how to combine those two together. The energy of raking and intuition. And then my, many people want to become medical intuitive practitioners.
So my two books, Become a Medical Intuitive and then Advanced Medical Intuition are really, all of my books are teaching manuals.
So, you know I’m really not a writer. I just write whatever I teach in my life classes. So they’re really teaching manuals.
And then my last book is Be Your Own Medical Intuitive.
Be your own medical intuitive. And I’m telling you, I have come across so many intuitives, mediums, and medical intuitives that are struggling with their own health. And so that’s why I wrote that book, to help the healers heal themselves. We’ve got to Take time to take care of ourselves equally. We don’t have to take care of ourselves more, but at least equally to what we are caring for everybody else.
And so, and like I said a little while ago, I’m also working now on a mediumship book and how to do mediumship work in some new and different ways.
Yay. Well, it was so great to get to know you today, Tina. I’m so excited about your next shows coming up on News for the Soul. And yeah. Wonderful first start.
Oh, bless your heart. Thank you so much. I’ve had a great time.
Me too. Welcome to the News for the Soul family. And we’ll talk to you next time.
Well, next month. Alrighty. Thank you. Tina’s up at newsforthesoul.com and we’re back with more, uh, open lines later today is happening 3 p. m pacific time. We’re back with more after this Seventh year.
Listen to more episodes of Learn Intuitive Skills With Tina M. Zion
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