All of Tina’s courses come from her best selling books…
Become a Medium and a Healer for the Deceased and the Living
11 hours of training
8 lessons plus
11 downloadable handouts

Take Mediumship beyond just communicating with the deceased and discover how to heal the deceased and also the living so both may move forward in their advancement as eternal souls.
Yes! You can do this level of healing for the deceased and the living!
The first thing I want to share on Mediumship is that no one has taught me mediumship so beautifully as Tina Zion. There is so much love she has for every soul from the other side who shows up in a session, it is heartwarming. Whatever their story is why they haven’t found the light yet, she helps them transform into the light where they can be free and taught me how to do it. Today it happens a lot that I help a soul transform into the light where they belong. It is one of the most beautiful things to do, it is so pure, so far away from ego and makes me cry every time.

Sonja Frey, Mtre.
Medical intuitive
Betty Ann Dean RN, BSN
Medical intuitiveMediumship is a very broad general term.
Most people’s experience of Mediumship is watching mediums on TV or occasionally going to a medium for a private reading when you are hoping to hear from your loved one. To be a medium is to open up to your ability to hear or see a deceased person.
Everyone seems to think Mediumship is a very special gift that only a few people have.
It is not a special gift.
It is a natural ability that we living humans have. It is simply a matter of allowing yourself to perceive the nonphysical realm as you also live in the physical realm.
I take Mediumship way beyond just seeing and hearing the deceased in my new course.
What is a medium?
A medium is an interpreter. They listen to the deceased and tell their living client what the deceased is saying, such as, what the deceased looks like or is dressed like and things like that.
What I noticed over the years as a Medical intuitive is that the deceased are actually very alive.
There’s really nothing to fear
I have different kinds of interactions with the deceased.
Working as a Medical intuitive I sometimes uncover that one of the eight causes of someone’s illness, or somebody’s struggles, is attached to a deceased person. So if a more negative, or confused or angry deceased person might be hanging around, they actually might be one of eight causes of someone’s struggling in their life.
I have so much validation from people I work with. I help the deceased person to detach so that the living person has a renewed life.
I’ve got a whole process to help a deceased person.
The nonphysical realm is just as alive as the physical realm
Some people think that when we leave our physical body we automatically go into the light. That’s not my experience.
Not everyone crosses over into the light.
Very extreme thought or emotion tends to keep a spirit person here on the earth plane in some way. It’s almost like an obsessive thought about their property, or their house, or something like that.
This is why there are so many ghost busting shows on TV.
On TV they tend to say, ‘Oh, this is a demon.’
When I’m watching ghost shows on TV, I just see a house where a little old deceased woman is very upset that somebody is in her house now. It’s not all demons and evil. It’s usually a very possessive deceased person hanging around.
Medical intuition and Mediumship
It has been so natural to do Medical intuition with people and discover a deceased person was involved in the living person’s healing.
It didn’t occur to me that I was actually taking steps to actually bring closure to the deceased person, or assist the deceased person in some way. Then, the icing on the cake, as I call it, is to watch this beautiful transformation of a deceased person being taken to the light to help them in this crossing over experience, as we call it. It took me a while to realize, ‘…wait a minute I think I’m healing the deceased too.’
That’s really how Mediumship started for me.
When I was a little child, probably five years old or six years old, I was seeing a deceased farmer behind the barn. I could tell he wasn’t in the living because I could see through him, and he was out there at night.
Even when I was a little bit younger, this spirit man tended to go inside of me. I was a little tiny kid and I felt like I was blowing up inside. It took me many years to understand that was the deceased person just going in and out of this little kid’s body. I have all kinds of stories like that, that this is a very real.
It’s very important for us to be in charge of what’s going on. Because if you think about it, for people who leave their body at the time of death, and actually go into the light, they’re in a place where that makes sense to them. They’re in a place where they have that awareness and they can do that.
People who stay here, the spirit people that stay here on Earth, tend to be troubled in some way. They’re either still feeling their terrible illness, or they’re still feeling their addiction. They’re troubled in some way.
When we begin to be aware of the nonphysical realms, we look different and we feel different. I’ve had people in spirit, that are all excited that I could see them and they start really interacting.
How the non physical world is different
I think the nonphysical realm is much more complicated than the physical world because there are deceased people, but they’re also other living beings.
The first time I saw fairies, I was in a city and they had this beautiful fountain downtown. This was decades ago. I standing there, just loving this fountain and then I realized I was seeing little fairies bouncing around on the top of the water.
The nonphysical realm has many more types of beings, and a lot more diversity in what’s going on in the physical.
Are you being called to do Mediumship work?
People who are yearning to do Mediumship work are getting a signal from the universe that this is part of your path because there are so many deceased people who do not cross over.
There’s so much need. There are deceased people everywhere.
It is true that deceased people, haunted places and spaces are truly anywhere and everywhere here on the Earth plane. The deceased are just as alive as you are right now. The aliveness within you now, is the exact same aliveness that continues beyond the end of the physical body at the time of death. When the aliveness leaves our physical body at the time of death, we are then often called a ghost, which is not a name that I use for the deceased. The word “ghost” implies such things as scary movies, Halloween, and things that go bump in the night etc.
All nonphysical beings are truly alive beings. They are just as alive as you are as you read this. Our aliveness is the spirit. This aliveness, that we carry within us every day, is our eternal soul.
I have deceased people in my car, occasionally. There’s a deceased person that might be in the grocery store. They’re everywhere because we’re not separate from the nonphysical realms. We’re part of it right now. If you’re drawn to this, you’re getting a signal that this is at least part of your path, if not your full path.
Half of the time, the deceased person is just trying to get their message across.
I had one man who kept coming to me when I was working with this living client. He would say, ‘…tell her there’s a box in my barn. I want her to find the box in my barn.’
I said to her, ‘…there’s a man standing here. He looks like a farmer, and he wants you to look into the barn because there’s a box there for you.’
She did and the box was there.
We can try to keep the spirt world separate or we can be part of it.
Like I always say, we’re 50% physical and 50% nonphysical in a world that is physical and nonphysical, at the exact same time.
So many people will come to me and someone will say, ‘I lost my husband and I’m in such grief.’
When we have tremendous emotion, emotion will tend to get in the way.
In this example, I said to her, ‘…well, your husband is here, right now. He’s so eager to talk with you. He’s showing me that he’s cooking at the stove. He’s showing me that he’s stirring the pot.’
She just burst into tears.
To me, it didn’t really make any sense. I wasn’t even sure if I was telling it right, because there’s a man cooking like crazy at a stove.
She said he loved to do most of the cooking.
When you go into this level of work, we get so much validation about how real this is. You will not have to wonder if the nonphysical world is real or not. You will get so much validation of how correct you are if you just literally share with your living client, what you’re perceiving.
My students are all over the globe.
Nearly every day someone tells me that I am teaching something quite rare and deeply advanced. Students consider my course as an amazingly advanced level of understanding the nonphysical world as natural and without fear. The nonphysical realms include not just deceased humans, but all nonphysical beings that exist all over the globe. Most global beings are so very positive, while others are often just as confused as deceased humans can be. My advanced teaching of mediumship quickly builds your empowerment and your skills as a healer for the nonphysical realms.
First Powerful Steps to live and work as a Medium
Preparing to be the intuitive medium healer is about using common sense communication and accurate awareness.
The next step is to take charge of all situations involving the lost, confused or fearful people in spirit.
Learn how to determine if there is a spirit in need around you and how to determine if that spirit has crossed over into the Light or has been earthbound.
Become a medium with a Code of Ethics for Nonphysical Beings of All Types. Each deceased human or non-human being must always be considered as a client first and foremost. Each deceased person is still an alive being.
I really do have a code of ethics and it is the following –
- Always be respectful.
- Dead people are still real people too.
- Dead people are just as alive as you are.
- Never, never, never chase a spirit person away.
- Each nonphysical being must be considered a client who needs or wants something.
Books on Mediumship by Tina Zion
My sixth book is devoted to Mediumship, but my books, Advanced Medical Intuition: Eight Underlying Causes of Illness and Unique Healing Methods and Be Your Own Medical Intuitive: Healing Your Body and Soul talk about how to be aware of the nonphysical world, what to do about it, who you are noticing and what level of awareness you are at.
Our thoughts are things. Our thoughts, and our emotions have substance.
If we feel hatred, about a person, that’s sending them a hatred vibration. If we love someone, that sends them a love vibration. Psychic attack is real and I teach people about how not to be a victim to that.
I hope I help people to realize how powerful they are and they don’t have to receive or take that attack at all.
There is also that level of stuff going on in the nonphysical realm. Sometimes people will say, I feel like I’ve got someone watching me and it feels very negative. Well, they, almost 100% have a very messed up deceased person following them around. And yes, they will affect our lives.
This can happen, living person to living person. It can also happen with deceased person to living people. It’s very common. That’s why I say this nonphysical realm is complicated.
We can invite in divine and sacred guides who specialize in being warriors against the dark just by using those key words: divine and sacred guides, who specialize in protecting me 24/hours a day.
There are so many things that we can do.
We also need to be in charge of our own energy fields, so I teach people how to power up their own energy field.
The brighter we are the dark can’t stand the light. And so, it repels.
It’s very repellent when we crank up our own energy fields. We even have a lot of power and control over the aliveness inside of us.
One of the things I hope to do is to take the scare out of connecting with the deceased because that’s what gets in our way.
We could be yearning to be a medium, but we’re kind of jittery or afraid. Half of us is nonphysical. You need to know what you’re doing and you need to learn some steps. If you’re listening to our talk, and the other talks, you’re getting a signal from the from the realms that this might be your path in your life.
if you keep finding yourself being pulled into shows, workshops, summits or something about being a medium, you can do more than just hear about it.
You can actually become a healer and a medical intuitive and a medium, as well. Notice what pulls at your heart and go that direction.
Searching for Mediumship and Medical intuitive Training Near Me?
In Tina’s new course, you can learn from comfort of your own home.
Repeat the entire course and your favorite lessons any time you wish. Or listen to a few lessons at a time. The choice is yours.
Become a Medium and a Healer for the Deceased and the Living
11 hours of training
8 lessons plus
11 downloadable handouts

Take mediumship beyond just communicating with the deceased and discover how to heal the deceased and also the living so both may move forward in their advancement as eternal souls.
Yes! You can do this level of healing for the deceased and the living!

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